Wednesday, February 08, 2006

No Haircut for You!!!

The D Space
So Rohan and Ryan both have flowing curls. And their sideburns, like my dad used to always say about me, look like Shivaji

Given that neither Rohan nor Ryan can sit still, we decided to take them to a specialist hair stylist place, designed for kids and toddlers. At Toy's 'R'Us.
This was a pretty nifty place, with videos and nintendo for the kids.

We signed up and there was a 30 minute wait, so we waddled thru the store waiting our turn.
When we went in , and were about to get started , the hairdresser informed us that neither rohan nor Ryan could get a haircut, because they were NOT wearing shoes!!!!!

But they're just one , and can't walk, explained a very bemused Fiona...
They don't *have* any shoes...

But they had a sign there saying NO shoes..No haricut..

Why ? asked Fiona...

"Because, if they aren't wearing shoes, then if some hair fell onto their feet, and entered their body, then there would be a lawsuit" ..Seriously that's what she said...

Apparently kids have a unique ability to absorb hair thru their feet..And socks don't prevent this either, unless they are shaped like shoes. Fantastic...

We refused to buy shoes, just so they could get a haircut, so Rohan and Ryan's first haircut was a non event..


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