Saturday, April 28, 2012

Even though they are twins, Rohan always proclaims seniority over Ryan because he "came out" 7 minutes before Ryan. Of course Ryan completely resents this fact.....cos that makes him the youngest in the family.
They both recently got pet betta fish and Rohan was noting down his fish's birthday on his Itouch, and he then realised that his and Ryan's fish were twins!! And then immediately he said, "Wait, which one came out of the store first?"

Tuesday, November 03, 2009

Trouble with the Easter Basket

Sometimes, stuff just happens...

Rohan Ryan arguing over spray bottle

Rohan and Ryan arguing during the time Rohan had a fracture.
This really kinda defines their age from 2-4.
Daily arguments, constantly fighting and terribly entertaining.
Boys paint their room.

Less than a minute in, and Rohan steps into the paint (Of course!)

Saturday, April 04, 2009

John McEnroe

"You can't be serious!" 
"You can't sneak up and go through our dresser drawers"
"Excuse me?"
"Yeah, I will shout at you if you go through my dresser drawers"
Me *ICILY* "I need to find your underwear  for school tomorrow, you guys should be asleep, and REALLY Ryan? You're going to shout at *ME*?
Ryan ( a little doubtful now)
Rohan decides to save his hiney: "we'll shout at anyone, if they aren't in our family"
Ryan: "yeah, we'll shout at anyone who isn't in our family"
"Well, you guys are four. You shouldn' be shouting at anybody..." (heads to make a blog entry)

Rohan and He

Rohan often talks about himself in the 3rd person. 

One Saturday morning, while the kids were watching cartoons ,and we were still shamelessly in bed, Rohan was fidgeting away, obviously not interested in this episode of Thomas.

Fiona: Rohan come here, cuddle with Mommy and Daddy.
Rohan: Ok..yay.
And then we can hear him talking to himself...

"HE stepped away from the TV and went to his mommy and daddy's bed"
And  once in bed,   looking up at the ceiling, with obvious joy on his face..
 "He was soooo happy to sleep between his mommy and daddy"
Rohan and Ryan playing with cars..

I just switched out the batteries off a fire truck.

Rohan: oh coool, its working..
But its not moving! its only making noise
Ryan: Its not moving because you have to Vroooom it...

Monday, March 23, 2009

Girls, girls, girls!

Rohan & Ryan got a new GeoTrax train set. When Fiona was out at Lost Pines, the kiddos spend all day Saturday playing with the train set.

Cameron has the same set, and they always played with it at his house during playdates so we figured we'll buy them the set.

Driving back from the store that evening , I can hear the kiddos talking in the back:

Ryan: At our playdate everyone is going to play with the GeoTrax
Rohan: Yeah, Aidan always plays with the GeoTrax.
Ryan: But if he takes any GeoTrax away i will be angry.
Rohan: Me Too.
Rohan: But Jesse (their BFF) can play with it
Ryan; Yeah Jesse can play, or Cameron
Rhea: What about Gavin?
Rohan: Who Gavin letulle? No.
Rhea: No, Gavin livingston.
Rohan: Yeah, Gavin Linvingston can play
Rhea: (causing trouble) Wot about Sally Kate? And Sarah?
To which Ryan goes (in his deepest ,correcting voice) .
Noooo. No Girls!


Yesterday, Fiona and Rhea were out shopping at HEB.
They were in the car, and they heard a car honk.

Rhea sighed, looked at Fiona and said "I missss India".

Thursday, March 12, 2009

Ryan, Rohan and me were at Barnes and Noble and I saw a magazine with President Obama on it. So now in my revised role, as teacher and mommy(since the boys don't go to day care anymore), I try to make educational experiences all day long. I pointed out to Obama's picture and told them that this is the president of America. Rohan turns and looks at me with his know-it-all look and says very coolly - "Obama". I was taken aback that he knew his name....yet another reminder that they are always listening....even while they're playing and you don't think they're listening...


Monday, January 26, 2009

Ryan and Rohan have a music teacher at school, called Mr. Doug. But from day one they have called him Mr. Dud. And they very confidently call him that even months later.
Everytime they relay a story about him to me, it brings a smile to my face.
On inauguration day, Rhea's class wrote a If I were a president paragraph. Here goes hers:
"If I were President I would sit in the white house and look out the window! And tell every butty what to do. I would sit on the coch and wach Tv. If some butty asked a quwestin I would answer it."

Monday, January 05, 2009

Planes turning..

On our way to India, on the plane I hear this conversation between Fio and Ryan

"Wooo, mommy I feel the plane turning"
"Yeah! It is turning"
After a few seconds..
"Mommy why doesn't the plane have a "chick" "chick" "chick" "chick""
Fiona (laughing) "Ryan, do you mean a turn signal? " 

Playing with Lola

Rohan and Ryan were playing in the backyard. 
So was Lola, our neighbours 1 year old boxer, on the other side of the fence.
Lola is very exuberant and was barking constantly listening toRohan and Ryan playing. I could also see rohan and Ryan also repeatedly peeping thru the fence annoying her even more.

But of course, neither of them does very well with loud noises and lola'sbarking was incessant.

After a little bit, Rohan and Ryan are peeping in at the back door.

"Can Rhea come play with us?"
"Why? She's practicing the violin"
"we want her to come play with us"
"Is it because Lola is barking?"
"Its ok rohan, that's just her way of saying hi"
Rohan "Well she's saying hi a lot!"

C'mon giant robot

Lunch time, and fiona was out.
So it was the kids and me, and i was giving them my favorite meal for them, tortillas, salami and "abacado"

"Desert is grapes" I say.
"I want my grapes now"
"Rohan you have to finish eating what's on your plate first'
Ryan finished first.So i was washing his grapes. Rhea was next in line. Rohan is still whining.
"I want my grapes"
Ryan gets his grapes because he finished first.
Rohan instantly stops eating and starts to pout.
"Fine, i'm washing your grapes. Can you please finish your avacado so there's more place on your plate?"
Still pouting.
I put some grapes in rhea's plate.
Rohan still pouting. "I want grapes"
"Geeez Rohan hold on, I'm washing your grapes"
And then i hear ryan mutterring something he no doubt picked up from Fiona "Daddy is Not a ROBOT"


Rohan, Ryan and Rhea were playing.
Ryan had a sanitizer with the "hose" like attachment at the end that is used like a keychain.

He was playing with it and suddenly, he must have remembered the Bombay-Goa train journey, because he suddenly starts going "Cofeeeeee, coffeeeeee, coffeeeeeee",and then fio goes "I want coffeee"... "ssssssssss" (pouring the coffee) and then he continues "coffeeeeee, coffeeeee", "cofeeeeee"