Thursday, June 22, 2006

Rantings of a 2 year old

The D Space
As our kiddos get older, we tend to forget all the cute things that they did when they were younger.

Fiona maintains a small diary of all the things that Rhea said, and sometimes when we read it, we have no recollection of her doing something that she wrote down, as Rhea having done.

For example when Rhea was 18 months, whenever i was in a different room, she would ask fiona "Wot dadddy doin?" And we have no recollection of that...

Since fiona doesn't maintain the diary as often anymore, we'll use this blog to keep track of all these cute idiosyncraises.

At 18 months, Rhea could say"Dada, Mama, Papa, Nana, Aaja, Aaji, Danger, More (food :-)), "All Done" and "Wot Daddy Doin?"

At 18 months Ryan and Rohan can say "Dada". That's it.
And occasionally "Mama". And then there's "Addda" for everything else.
They've also started to say "Ya Ya"" for Rhea.

Ryan has different tones. He will *shout* (and he can be very loud) - "DA DA"
whenever he is looking for me (for example if i go into a room and close the door).Its the loudest "Da Da" you can hear, almost like he wants to give me a good spanking, which maybe he does, for me closing the door.

When i am at work, Rohan, will apparently, all day point to my things (such as my ATM mug or my cap) and ask Fiona "Da Da"?

When i get home, Rhea and Ryan will come and give me a hug. Ryan will hold on very tight to me, in the possibility that i decide to carry Rohan, while Rohan just like Rhea does sometimes, will come right in front of me, and pretend to be doing something else right in front of me(like play with a toy), almost like he doesn't know i'm there. Its his way of being affectionate. This is *exactly* what Rhea used to do at this age, and still does sometimes.If he's *really excited* hell bang his head on the carpet.Go figure.

They both absolutely *adore* Rhea. Ever since they were a few months old. Whenever they would wake up from a nap, if Rhea would enter the room they would both shriek, and i mean shriek with joy. They still do that sometimes.

And finally, "Is it a bird? Is it a plane? Its Superman !!! " No wait..its not..That blur was Ryan running towards the couch because he heard Fiona say the word milk.
So we spell it now...

Wednesday, June 21, 2006

Bilal in Dubai !!

Bilal, our very own PSE (Product Support Engineer) visited Dubai on vacation.
He is veeeeery funnnnny...

How can you not read a blog that mentions "Ninja Clusters" and "Mall Rats" ?

Here is Bilal's travel blog

'Nuff Said

Click on the image to see a larger view

Friday, June 16, 2006

Rhea continues reading

The D Space

"Little wombat was crapping on the tree" (crapping == pooping)

"He was doing WHAT?????"

"Look here Mommy, he's crapping on the tree"

"Rhea, those are his claws, he's clawing on the tree" (Phew)

Monday, June 12, 2006

What is it with the evil origins of nursery rhymes and kids tales

Ring around the roses(originated during the plague )

Ring around the roses : The plague first manifest as little round red rings on the neck.
Pocket full of posies: posies supposedly warded off the evil spirits that brought plague.
Ashes, Ashes: From the ashes of the bodies burned in great heaps outside of town.
We all fall down: We're all gonna die!

Comforting isn't it ?

Then there's Rock A Bye Baby:
Rock-a-bye, baby, On the treetop
When the wind blows, The cradle will rock
When the bough breaks The cradle will fall
And down will come baby, Cradle and all
I guess that will put any baby to sleep :-)

London Bridge is falling down,My fair lady.
Take a key and lock her up,Lock her up, Lock her up.

Lock who? Well from, "It has been suggested that the "fair lady" who is "locked up" is a reference to an old practice of burying a dead virgin in the foundations of the bridge to ensure its strength through magical means, although the better view is that this refers to Queen Eleanor"
So far none of my kiddos has asked me what this means..Thankfully..

Snow White with a twist

The D Space
Last weekend Rhea was reading Snow White. Obviously she can't read yet, but she'll look at the pictures and make up her story.

"And then, they beated up the witch till she was dead.."

Whoaaaaaah...Hold on there....Those were a lot of words that we didn't know she knew about...

"They did what"?
"Yeah, the evil witch stole the horseshoe, so they beated her up till she was dead"

which is a good segway to my next post...

Chris in India!!!

My good friend and colleague from work, Chris, is in India.
He has a very interesting blog, that i look forward to reading every morning.
Now only if he posted more often...

So far things are looking fairly good for him, and he seems very positive, so i must have done a good job of making sure he went to India with really low expectations :-)))

I added a link to his blog along with my other blog links.
you can get to it here

Friday, June 02, 2006

Pictures on Shutterfly

The D Space

Fiona sent a shutterfly link to all of our pictures , but mainly from our trip to corpus christi. Also some of them are from Katelyns house.

Click here for pictures