Friday, July 11, 2008

Tuks and Jabba

Tuks for "tukloo"

Jabba because Rohan's cheeks remind fiona of Jabba the Hut.

Rohan doesn't like his name..."I don't want to be Jabba! I want to be Tuks"

I missed you and you and you...

So Rohan and Ryan came back from school, and were drinking their milk.
They were about to go for a nap, when Ryan turned around and said to Fiona

"I missed you mommy"


"i missed you Rhea, I missed daddy toooo" he said giving Fiona a hug.

And then quickly, in his sternest voice
"I didn't miss you Rohan..."

Good news...we don't have to move...

Fiona was pretty sure that once the boys were potty trained, we would have to move...because of the accidents all over the place..
Ryan, was easy.Actually easier than Rhea.

Rohan, drew his line in the sand. I'm sure his process went something like "ok this is where i draw the line. We are not the same.I'm different.I will NOT be potty trained. Say it after me...I will NOT be potty trained"

But we tried and tried.

Fiona would take him potty every half an hour. For three hours. Nothing.
Fiona goes out. Its my turn. Great!
"Rohan , do you need to go potty"
"NO, i just went potty"
"Are you sure?"
"Yes, I just went potty" *icily*

Two minutes later i hear.."uh oh"
"UhOh". First shades of panic in his voice

Breathe...breathe...and get the carpet cleaner..

Aaah, Out of the Mouth of Babes...

So Rohan and Ryan are very close to Miss Martha, their teacher at day care.
During the fall, or winter, if we ever forgot to take a jacket for them, Miss.Martha would give them a spare jacket. (and daddy would get a scolding ;-) )
"Miss Martha's jacket". Oh how very exciting : "Daddy, daddy we got Miss Martha's jacket today"

If we forget to send sunscreen, then Ms.Martha will put some of her own on them.
"Mommy, Mommy, we got Ms.Martha's sunscreen"..

The stars had to align just right, the boys are now both potty trained, Ryan wet his underwear at school, and it just so happened that he didn't have a spare one in his cubby today, and sure enough as soon as fiona picked them up, he coolly announced "I'm wearing Ms.Martha's panties today"