Sunday, May 06, 2007

An Important Milestone

Yesterday was an important milestone.
We were at Allison's birthday party, which was at the playscape across their house.
The kiddos were all playing on the playscape, including Rohan and Ryan.

At one point, Rohan was climbing the ladder (which is around 8 ft high, and curves into a platform on the playscape).

While he was climbing it, since he was directly above us (we could only see his feet), Fiona said "Ryan , Be careful".
Rohan stopped midway through his step, his foot suspended in mid air, then drew it back, and looked down and with his best stony stare looked at Fiona and said .."I *ROHAN*". There was no mistaking the "you'd best not make that mistake again" in his voice:-)

This is a milestone because twins are almost always confused about their names.And while they respond correctly to their name, this the first time it actually mattered to one of them, that we made a mistake.

There was a time they used to call each other "Nana" for no apparent reason.
"Who made this mess?"
"NANA!" they would both say, pointing to each other...

Of course, both Fiona and I shared a good laugh. And both of us tried that again today, calling him Ryan. Maybe three times. Each time Rohan would reply with a slightly annoyed "I Rohan..". Except the last time, where he followed the "I, Rohan" with a "I Ryan????"

Aite, so thats the end of that. But it is nice to know that they know who they are...


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