Tuesday, April 17, 2007

Virginia Tech and Gun Control

Its times like these when you have to reflect..
On the loss of the poor students at Virginia Tech, on the Indian professor, and on the jewish professor who survived the holocaust but not this madman, and yes reflect also on the other murderers that failed to protect every one of them.

Its weird, but before I came to the US, I was always for gun control. I always thought it was weird and scary that guns were so freely available in the US. Thank god that's not the way it is in India.Or so I thought.

2 years at A&M and I did a full 360, because a lot of people there convinced me that they need guns to protect themseleves, in situations just like the one yesterday.

Not all of them owned guns, i don't own one, and probably never will.

But most of the liberal media, insists that this happenned because there was "No gun Control" .. "People should not have guns..". Abc.com is a prime example. I was appalled by their coverage yesterday. Where the students and deaths didn't matter..it was all about assigning blame, and pushing their "gun control" agenda...
Most Indians feel this way too, and a lot of Eurpoeans and Australians too, judging from their government response.

Well, but there's a serious flaw with the "No guns" argument. The problem is if there is "gun control" and people are not allowed to buy guns, the criminals and murderers are *STILL GOING TO GET THEIR GUNS*. Making drugs illegal, did not stop criminals from importing them into the country did it?? Lets face it, where there is a will, there is a way. Its not like Seung-Hui Cho went to the store , bought a gun and shot people the same day. He thought about this over a month...Enough time to get a gun illegaly...And illegal guns are probably cheaper...

But no one seems to take this into account. Not even the liberals at Virginia Tech.Ignorance, of course, is bliss....

From the Drudge Report...

Drudge Report Article

From the article "Virginia Tech spokesman Larry Hincker was happy to hear the bill was defeated. "I'm sure the university community is appreciative of the General Assembly's actions because this will help parents, students, faculty and visitors feel safe on our campus."

Hey Larry,
I guess Seung-Hui Cho did not get that memo, the "Virginia Tech is a safe campus" memo, I mean. I'm sure if he had, he would have changed his mind.And none of this would have happenned. Too bad, the rest of Norris hall DIDlisten to you...And look what happenned to them....
You took away the only chance they had to defend themselves...

Hey...but VTech is a safe campus...as long as that's the case, i guess its all good...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Advantages/DisAdvantages of having a big sister

Having a big sister to Ryan and Rohan is a great advantage, because it helps us keep tabs on the boys.

THEY ARE GETTING INTO TROUBLE is one of the most common dialogues you will hear Rhea say in the house. Plus Rhea is a great sister, always takes care of both the boys.

Then there are the not so great advantages of having a big sister.

The other day , i heard rohan and ryan fighting..
(Rohan) Argghh..Waaa..Miiiine
(Ryan) Arghhhh ...Waaaaaah...Miiiine

To which i was thinking, what could they be arguing about...the baseball bat? the firetruck? maybe the toy hammer?

(Rohan)...ARggghhh..My spatula...
(Ryan)..Arghhh..No..My Spatula....

Okey dokey....

Its been a while

A lot has happenned since i last posted (Fiona's Vitamin post really doesn't count).
Lets see, I actually released my product (woo hoo), India made a miserable exit out of the world cup (not so woo hoo) but so did Pakistan (woo hoo);The boys went through two whole bouts of the Rota virus(boo hoo) and what do you know, google blogs actually went out of beta...Wow..

So during the first bout of the Rota virus (it starts with someone vomiting)..Ryan went first..Rohan was still fine and in high spitits.
Ryan threw up in his bed just after we put them down for bed...
While Ryan is throwing up and Fiona and I are frantic (cos we know its going to be a looong week, plus run get the paper towels , start the washing machine....., get his toys out of the crib..etc..) we could hear Rohan in the background going
"Wot happun?" "WOt happun?"

Finally we got Ryan changed and his crib sheets changed.

Rohan: Wot happun nana?
Ryan: My threw up..
Rohan:Wot happun nana?
Ryan: My threw up nana..my threw up...

I'll miss how they call each other Nana :-)

The boys and Rhea are starting to play a lot more together. They are also starting to be a lot more understanding.The other day, while they were in the bathtub getting ready for a bath, Rhea slipped and fell down on Ryan, and
they both started to cry. Rohan came by and gave both Ryan and Rhea a hug, without us asking to. I thought that was really sweeet.
Rohan is still more talkative than Ryan.
But neither of them can get their personal pronouns right. Yet.
So "I" is "My"

All misspellings are deliberate...

"My all done" means "I'm all done" (with dinner).
"Carry you" means Carry me.
"My coming Otaaaay...." means "I'm coming ...okay" (to brush their teeth)
"My want Brapes " means "I want grapes"

Then there are the funny pronounciations..
Rhea still can;t really tell "V" from "B"
So we are still going to Sea World on "Bacation" this year..

Some other funny ones , from rohan and Ryan
"GUMP KUCK is GUMPING!!!!" (the dump truck is dumping (the trash))
AAAYEN !! - Rohan scolding Ryan , whenever we are scolding Ryan
OHUN !! - Ryan shouting at rohan, whenever we are scolding Rohan
"Only Tars...Otaaaay" - "Only cars..okay...:-) We found this last one particularly hilarious...