Friday, March 31, 2006

Henry the stuffed dog

The D Space
Henry is a little stuffed dog, and Ryans best friend. If there is one main difference between Rohan and Ryan, then its the fact that Ryan is very attached to a Comfort obect, in his case, Henry.

Henry is cute, and thats one of the first things that Ryan has always shown an understanding off.... If you ask Ryan" where's henry?" then Ryan will go around the house and start looking for him. He's been doing this from around the time he was 1 year old...
Typically of course, Henry is in the crib, and then ryan will struggle to reach him inside the crib , but would eventually manage to drag him out.
Now after a few days of doing this (again he was still around 1) , being the ultra smart kiddo that he is, as soon as we enter his room in the morning, or after a nap, the first thing Ryan will do is to toss Henry outside the crib, so that its easier to retrieve him.
Pretty nifty for a one year old...Of course, they are even more attached to each other now...

Tuesday, March 28, 2006

By Jove She's got it..

The D Space

By Jove she's got it , she really has..

I think Rhea, has finally realized, that fire-engines put *out* fires not start them...
I'm sure she was a wee bit dissapointed...

Hangtown Grill

The D Space

Rhea, do you want to go to Hangtown Grill for lunch? We can get some burgers and fries .
Daddy, hangtown grill is not good for you. You have to eat healthy.
Well , where do you want to go then ?
How bout Gattitown?!

While in the car
Rhea, why don't you sing Glory To God for Daddy? He hasn't heard you sing it..
Well maybe Daddy should come to church then.. :-)

Monday, March 20, 2006


The D Space
We've been trying to explain to Rhea the concept of electricity, which for most 4 year olds, is a challenge, but shes coping. Most of our interesting electricty conversations happen in the car:
What makes the lights turn red and green?
Rhea: But How?
Well there are wires in the ground and they turn the lights on and off.
But who turns the light on and off?
Its automatic.
Yeah its just like the lightbulb switch in our house, except this one goes on and off on its own.
(doubtfully) Ok.
Where are we going?
We need to fill some gas..
Cos the car needs the gas.
Otherwise it will stop?
But why do you need it?
Everything needs gas?
A lot of things, like a car, dump truck, aeroplane, choo choo train..basically anything that moves and is not a person.
Even our lawnmower..
So my bicycle needs gas?
(Me Sheepishly) No.

New Highs and Lows

The D Space

Rohan's aiming for new highs and lows..Fiona says that its only a matter of time before we come into a room someday and find rohan hanging on to the fan. He's climbing onto everything. He's already mastered the couch. He's now trying to climb on to the dining table chair, and from then on to the table. His target, our dining table lamp. Rohan and Ryan both point to it when we turn it on and say "Dada". (right now everyhing is dada)But that's Rohan's target. He's tried to climb on to our niche (and he's actually brought our metal display there , down crashing),

We took them to my work the other day, and Rohan was thrilled by all the cubicles, kinda like a rat in a maze. He went to Jennfier and Whitneys cube, and tried to climb their chairs.Then he went to Brock's cube, and climbed his visitors chair, and from there onto Brocks table, and was headed straight for the keyboard, before Brock got him down.

But its not just the highs. Rohans other favorite is of course, the toilet bowl. In the rare occassions that we forget to close the bathroom door, Rohan finds his way there. The last two times, when he's been really really really quiet, its been because he was vigourously swooshing the water in the toilet bowl.

Saturday, March 04, 2006

Rhea Snippets

The D Space

Rhea: Mommy, What are we doing in the morning on sunday evening?

Rhea the smarty pants

Rhea the smarty pants

So we were at Bhavana's house and she said to Nandan, "Wow Rhea is starting to look a lot like you."
To which Rhea stands up, fairly offended, and says "Well, I cant look like daddy, because i have a pony tail!"