Friday, September 22, 2006

Boys on the Phone

The D Space

(Fiona on the phone) Hi Honey, Ryan wants to talk to you.

Ryan: Da -Da..Da-Da

Me: Hi Ryan..What you doin baby?

Da-Da ..Da-Da..Da-Da

Are you having a good day...

(silence) Da-Da

Yes Baby..



Ryan? What's goin on?

aanngghhh...(in background) WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAH

Ryan? Ryan?

New Voice: Da-Da ?

Rohan!!! Is that you?? Did you pull the phone away from Ryan??

Rohan: DAH DAH!!!!

Wednesday, September 13, 2006

Even more Rhea snippets

The D Space

Rhea playing doctor checkup with mommy. Rhea is the doctor and mommy is the patient. Rhea has the toy thermometer.
Ok I am taking your temperature mommy.
If you say you are feeling warm and there is a sad face (on the thermometer), then you have a fever.
If you say you are feeling warm, and there is a happy face on the thermometer, then (very matter of factly) you are *lying*

"Rohan what are you doing man!"

"Mommy what time is Daddy coming home? Six o'clock? That is too late yaaa(r)